World press freedom index ranked India in 2014-140ven. While Pakistan 158ven and China 175ven place would be up there on the border continues on Tuesday by reporters. latest annual report is the first place in Finland after Netherlands and Norway number. this list covers 180 countries. 1report, journalists in India "unprecedented violence against India in 2013. eight journalist killed them in governmental and non-governmental People were targeted by journalists in each region of India. Although violence against injuries, but Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh States where this type of violence and censorship. "
Report says journalists in cases of violence against them and to threaten police, security forces, criminal gangs, protestors and supporters of political parties. they are often exempt from judicial mechanisms in the list look forward to place the US 46.. While last year it was ranked 32nd.
Report says world's most dangerous places for journalists in Pakistan.
In addition to journalists in Pakistan armed organizations, the country's intelligence agencies (especially the ISI). it says that Pakistan is the lack of interest in getting justice in the Government of the Taliban, the jihadists, armed organizations there. and appears to be powerless against the military establishment.
The report states that last year Syria is especially deadly for journalists. after starting the conflict in March 2011 in this country killing nearly 130 Macromedia.
Report says journalists in cases of violence against them and to threaten police, security forces, criminal gangs, protestors and supporters of political parties. they are often exempt from judicial mechanisms in the list look forward to place the US 46.. While last year it was ranked 32nd.
Report says world's most dangerous places for journalists in Pakistan.
In addition to journalists in Pakistan armed organizations, the country's intelligence agencies (especially the ISI). it says that Pakistan is the lack of interest in getting justice in the Government of the Taliban, the jihadists, armed organizations there. and appears to be powerless against the military establishment.
The report states that last year Syria is especially deadly for journalists. after starting the conflict in March 2011 in this country killing nearly 130 Macromedia.